Get Me Off this Damn Thing!!!

img_0569The Emotional Roller Coaster.  The constant ups and downs; extreme highs and the lowest of lows. You alternate between exhilarated and devastated; passionate and detached.

How did you get on the damn roller coaster in the first place?


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Use Your “Outside” Voice — Question Everything!

While my posts focus on the “inner voice” and managing our critical chatter, today I want to focus on our “outside” voice or how we speak to the world.

In light of the events in Charlottesville, it is critically important to state that I do not support white supremacy or any of their beliefs. It sickens me that there are 917 identified and active hate groups in this country (Southern Poverty Law Center 2017). How is hate a driving force with thousands, actually millions of Americans?

I spent last week observing more than acting. Don’t get me wrong, I am livid. I am sickened, saddened, enraged, threatened and shocked. I felt a shift too.  I came to the conclusion that my angry vile words are not going to do anything but contribute to the problem. Let me explain…….

You lose your power and credibility when you spew hate.  Continue reading

Planting Hope

Planting Hope

Today I smelled a hint of spring in the air and for me there is almost nothing better than connecting with my garden.  I decided to plant the Hollyhock seeds I’ve been saving from my previous garden.  (Clarification:  this weekend I found the seeds I put away when I moved a year ago! Time to plant them before I lose them again!)

Planting seeds is a wonderful visual.  I hope that my little seeds will become stately stalks of color but I won’t know for many months.  What do I have to lose? I lovingly set them in moist rich soil and wish them a safe journey. Continue reading

My Favorite Things: a gifting guide

My Favorite Things:  a gifting guide

This is what I know.  There are three important things that I can give you, whether you are a loved one or a total stranger.  Can you guess what they are?  No fancy wrapping paper is required and it won’t break the bank yet the impact of these gifts can last a lifetime.  This is the most exquisite gift I can give you!  And when the gift is reciprocated, you will feel awesome!

1. ?        2.?         3.?             Read on, my friend! Continue reading

The Responsible One

The Responsible One

Responsibility is an interesting topic.  I am not sure I think much about the topic of “responsibility” until I experience someone avoiding their responsibility and I am impacted!! I proudly define myself as a responsible person.  I hear Mom’s telling their children, “It’s your responsibility”.  I hear bosses, teachers and doctors using the same phrase.

So I ask you, if you set aside the obvious (job and family), what ultimately is your responsibility?   

I think back to when I was a young.  My responsibility was to help out at home and listen to my teachers.  As I grew up, my responsibility was to continue with my education and secure a good job.  Over the next twenty years, I was responsible for taking care of my family.  As I approach another milestone birthday I have started wonder, what happened to the responsibility of taking care of me and my happiness?  Was I absent the day they taught introspection and self-care?  Continue reading