About Me

img_0234.pngMy Girlfriend Voice is the supportive, inspirational and honest voice I nurture.  She is someone who knows exactly what my intentions are and how the past influences the present.  She is the conduit to my intuition.

My Girlfriend Voice competes for stage time with a crew of critical characters like Penny Perfectionist, Nikky Not Good Enough, Pollyanna Peacekeeper, Hopeless Hannah, Victoria Victim and Bitchy Bertha.  Those ladies love to bark and moan– misery loves company.  They do however provide me with valuable insight into the blueprint of my being.  I just wish they’d hush up!

Tame and transform the critic chatter and “listen in” to your Girlfriend Voice.

So here is a little about me to illustrate this gal that listens to the voices in her head.  Talking about yourself is one of the hardest things to do! Or it should be and if it wasn’t then you may wonder about me, right?   Maybe a list is the way to go so here are ten things about yours truly:

1.  It’s the little things that matter most.  Be present and be grateful.

2.  I’ve learned to put honesty over harmony.

3.  I am innately curious which is truly a blessing and a curse.

4.  Why don’t people write thank you notes anymore?  THANK YOU.  I needed to get that out.

5.  Fear has muscle memory. It’s one workout I don’t feel guilty giving up.

6.  If I could go anywhere, I’d want to go with a Girlfriend. (We could have fun in a cardboard box!)

7.  Vulnerable is not weak. Humble is not small. However, stupid is stupid.

8.  Children must make mistakes in order to learn.  Don’t remove the consequence. And please, it is not “cute” to let toddlers interrupt adult conversation with their antics.

9.  I am passionate about removing the stigmas associated with mental illness.

10.  I will learn to accept what I cannot control.  (Grrrrrr, the hardest one)

11.  Bonus info:  I am an overachiever and I love to crack myself up.  🙂  I am working on the fact that I keep myself busy to numb myself and push away loneliness.  Time to resort to quiet nights at home with a good bottle of wine and my own jokes!

Go out and be kind today.

From the heart,





7 thoughts on “About Me

  1. We are humbled at receiving a nomination for the Liebster Blog Award from Stephanie. Thanks, Steph for this. All you guys are our “blogily” & thank you all for being in our lives. You have enriched our lives beyond words can describe. We love you all & feel truly blessed & you guys are our “dearest” & “beloved” – our liebsters!!

    God bless…& keep sharing the wonderful words & love for all.

    Here are a few of the blogs that we’d like to nominate ahead.








    Welcome to Earth Connections












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