Get Me Off this Damn Thing!!!

img_0569The Emotional Roller Coaster.  The constant ups and downs; extreme highs and the lowest of lows. You alternate between exhilarated and devastated; passionate and detached.

How did you get on the damn roller coaster in the first place?


YOU.  Yep, sorry Girlfriend.  You jumped on the ride.  You got on the roller coaster all by yourself.  How do I know?  Because I did the same thing!

Did you realize that you had a choice to get ON and more importantly,  that you hada  choice or the power to get OFF? Remember the ruby slippers Dorothy wore in the Wizard of Oz?  All along she had the power to return home.  She just didn’t know how to access her power.

What are the warning signs that you ride the emotional roller coaster?  The biggest red flag is that drama follows you everywhere.  There are more subtle red flags too.

You laugh and cry in the same sentence.

You feel exhausted.

You give and give because it feels good but you’re now running on fumes.

You feel exhausted all the time.

it’s hard to focus or make decisions.

There is no time for you or for any fun.

What can you do to avoid the never ending roller coaster ride?

  1. Pause.
  2. Breathe.
  3. Become aware.
  4. What story are you telling yourself?  I bet it is not true!
  5. Let go of the past. You can go round and round with the “woulda, coulda, shoulda’s” but that serves no purpose, does it?  It just burns your precious energy! Forgive yourself.  You were doing the best that you could at the time.
  6. Avoid future jumping– wondering what is going to happen tomorrow, or ten days from tomorrow.  The “what if’s”!!!! Be present in this moment right here, right now.
  7. Adjust your mindset and take care of yourself. When you run on an empty tank, your are more susceptible to being taken hostage by your emotions.
  8. Release yourself from meeting the expectations of others.  How about releasing yourself from the reactions and approval of others too?  ( Such a juicy topic! I want to delve into this one further on a future post.)
  9. Enforce healthy boundaries.  Learn to say NO.  And when you say no, mean it!
  10. Witness “the drama” with either curiosity or compassion. Trust me, this approach will unhook you from the emotionally — give you some breathing space!

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It is easy to be addicted to drama because you want to feel important!  You want to help! You might think that it is your responsibility to help or to serve.  This is my biggest weakness.  I couldn’t quite see that I had started to enable bad behavior.   It is a HUGE and EASY trap to fall into!

Does the emotional roller coaster ride resonate with you?  It is something you experience more with family or in the workplace?  With friends?  I’d love to hear how you detach yourself.  What happened that finally gave you permission to get off the ride? Drop a note in the comments below.

From the heart,






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