A New Decade– A New “F” Word

A few weeks from now I will turn 50 years old.  Exactly half of my life has taken place in California as a wife, a mother and a professional.  I can’t say that I am sad or depressed about this milestone because life just keeps getting better!

Fifty begins an exciting decade—a different story.  I am embarking on life as a single person, living life on new terms.  If I had to describe myself now, I would be a kaleidoscope.  Tiny unrelated objects and broken pieces, symbolizing the remnants of life’s lessons, are thrown together to form intricate patterns when they dance amongst the mirrors.  Constantly tumbling yet forming stunning artistry when held to the light.  Light is required to see the beauty I hold inside!

I could sit and complain about hardships, lost opportunities and broken promises but I refuse to go there. Yes, I have weak moments when I have to gripe so don’t call me a liar!  On those days I remember that the better wine comes from old vines!

I am a kaleidoscope. I am a fine wine.  I am happy.  Fifty is not the new “F” word, unless of course “F” stands for FABULOUS!

From the heart,

